About Us

gingerbread heart factory
The area that most people certainly don't think of when they hear the words "personalize" and "individualize" is the very important business area. Why not score points, for example at your company party, with, yes, gingerbread hearts. The experienced and accomplished team at "Lebkuchenherz München Schifferl"

will be happy to help you implement your very individual wishes, including special product design. If you have special ideas and suggestions regarding "your" own personalized advertising products, please do not hesitate to contact us. Because of course you can also get your very personal product from us as an extraordinary one-off. If you are looking for personalized advertising products, I can recommend our experienced and skilled team at "Lebkuchenherz München Schifferl". They offer individual design options for gingerbread hearts and can also implement special ideas and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us to get your very personal product as an extraordinary one-off.

gingerbread heart factory

Michael Schifferl
Guardinistrasse 118
81375 Munich
Phone: 089/35744316
E-mail: info@lebkuchenherzen-fabrik.de
Internet: https://www. lebkuchenherzen-fabrik.de

VAT identification number according to Section 27a of the Sales Tax Act (UStG): DE 130540093